The Heroes, The Villains, and the Bystanders
Heroes: Patchwork Champions
Background: Amber always wanted to be a hero growing up, and her early life was peppered with researching famous heroines, joining heroine fan clubs, and spending most of her early life trying to become a heroine. Unlike most people, Amber's desires stuck, and she graduated from the Superior Champion Academy with top marks, developing temporal powers along the way. Amber is the firm leader of the team; although she has a sense of humour, she prefers a straightforward approach to situations; although she cracks wise in the face of danger, her heart is rarely in it. Her sense of humour tends towards pranks, and she can get angry fairly easily.
Background: Lucky was basically destined to be a superhero. His father (James Ladd) is a famous superhero as well, and his mother (Beatrice Lad) a high-powered attorney; the two live in Megopolis. Even with that much pressure, Lucky decided that super-heroing was a better career choice than barristery, and hasn't regretted the decision; although his mother often harps that he should be team leader, Lucky is glad to be the follower of the group. Lucky, fittingly enough, is a lighthearted and optimistic
young man, prone to easygoing humour and a general attempt to charm his way through
most situations. He tends to avoid serious problems due to his luck powers, and
has a rose-tinted view of the world.
Background: Exactly what Jim's background is is unknown. While he himself suggests that it is fairly normal, he also peppers any retelling of his past with a wide array of outright falsehood, and while his true past is presumably on record with the Hero Academy (that being a requirement for registering as a hero), he is under no obligation to share it. For now, he is content to cheerfully spread misinformation on the subject. Jim is a laid-back and polite man, with an
astounding array of tricks up his sleeve, all based on his apparantly non-pseudotech
(but still superhuman) duct-tape prowess. He is both chivalrous and naturally
helpful, the sort of guy that you have to work to find problems with.
Background: Nadia Tyler was a low-income waitress working downtown when her friend Todd cooked up a plan to steal power suits from Dr. Ecchs and sell them for a tremendous profit. Nadia liked the idea of theft from a crook, and went along with it - when her boyfriend, Don, changed the plan to theft, she went along more reluctantly, finally quitting in disgust and helping to put him in jail. Now, she is serving her parole on the Champions. Nadia doesn't think things through nearly often enough, but she is good-hearted and kind, and she doesn't worry too much about what people think of her. Her primary flaw is her natural tendancy towards dependance. |